Honda mobilio terbaru 2015 | Oto Sport

Honda mobilio terbaru 2015

After becoming the best-selling car and accounted for the highest sales figures in the range of Honda products in 2015, reportedly Mobilio will take off "clothes" old this year. Consumers certainly happy to hear this case. Naturally, this is done, because the best selling car is entering the second year since its launch in early 2014 not to make changes. Became the best selling car should do this, if you do not want to be left consumers. Even the Honda Prospect Motor Sembat said there would be a significant change for the Honda Mobilio this year. But it did not explain the details at the time of its release. According to records from January 2014 until November 2015 plainly has recorded 120,000 units sold in the Indonesian market. Because of the presence of Mobilio, Honda became the third best-selling brand in Indonesia. Honda Mobilio competitors who play in the low segment MPV as Toyota Avanza, Daihatsu Xenia and Suzuki Ertiga has done "changing clothes" first. Yes, the competition becomes more intense in 2016 in low MPV market, since this segment has a great enthusiast for the Indonesian market. We'll wait.
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