Mobil Listrik Android UII Buatan Indonesia | Oto Sport

Mobil Listrik Android UII Buatan Indonesia

The new two-week officially launched by UI Rector Dr. Ir Harsoyo MSc, Android Electric cars Indonesian Islamic University directly incised achievements at the national level by winning Electric Car Competition Indonesia VII, which was held in Bandung State Polytechnic, dated November 13 to 15, 2015. Start of the 2nd place behind the Electric Car team UGM, electric cars named Car Power Ground Unisi finally, able to finish the fastest among the 22 Other participants from various public and private universities throughout Indonesia. "Not only being the first in the category of the speed test, thanks to technological innovations introduced that can be controlled using android system when it is not driven by humans, Kaliurang Unisi also crowned as the best in the category of Technological Innovation," said Chairman of the Electric Car UII, Nazri Afandi Pasaribu on campus.

 There are six programs of study, students are involved in the manufacture of Kaliurang Unisi under the guidance of lecturers pogram Electrical Engineering. Students involved in the team comes from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Engineering, and Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering. "The science they poured per department. Chemical Engineering developed the battery technology, Information Technology more to android or information technology. Electrical Engineering on controls and motors as well, Mechanical Engineering develops and designs the machine body in cooperation with the Industrial Engineering. While testing the strength of the material of civil engineering, "he said.
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